An evening at the Wilmore house

(aka The Wilmore Inquisition) …….

[Tristan and I enter Pappa’s room after a long conversation about my childhood… both of us choking on laughter because I was so cute and girly and frilly (always in dresses almost bigger than I was), but I was also so rotten!] Tristan didn’t believe it, so we went straight to the source for confirmation…….

Me: Just curious, why didn’t I ever get a pony??????
Tristan: …. and a pool! Why didn’t she ever get a pool?????? Where’s her pool?????
Pappa (doesn’t miss a beat): The pony is next to the river with the ducks and the pool is somewhere around there. Did you tell Tristan about the river with the ducks?
Me: Tristan has been to the river and seen the ducks at the dam…..
Tristan: The what?!?!?!
Pappa: The pony is near the river with the ducks and also the dam.
And the pool

At this point, we’re all choking on laughter because it sounds so ridiculous, but is all true.

[Tristan and I exit the room]
Me (over my shoulder): Love you, Pappa!
Tristan (even louder over his shoulder): I love you, Pappa!

Pappa (shaking his head): Love you, too.

I’m pretty sure we just broke Pappa.

Then, as we’re halfway down the stairs we hear …..

Pappa: Do you have any ice cream down there?

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