Send Me Autumn!!!!

This post title has a dual meaning,  because:
1.  I miss my soul-sister (Autumn) SO much and can’t wait for her to come back!


2.  It’s time for my annual Texas heat rant

It’s October,  but the temperatures here have barely budged below melting point.  Good news, though…  we’re expecting a “cold front.”


I’m not enthused. Nor do I completely believe it.

My Durango had been overheating, just minimally over the midline until it recently,  gradually began to get worse.  This vehicle has easily been the best we’ve had, and has served us well for about 8 years, with only minimal problems. I Googled like crazy and thought maybe the fan clutch had worn out.

Matt and his fantastic friend / coworker tried to replace it over the weekend. God love them for spending their weekend (after a stressful work week leading up to month-end). Matt’s juggling work emergencies all weekend and all hours,  but he and our friend still put in many sweaty, unsuccessful hours later trying to diagnose, buy parts and random tools, then many more hours trying to take apart and fix the problem.  They finally threw in the towel,  spent more hours putting everything back together, and Matt called another great friend who owns a repair shop. This generous friend has also helped us many times since our move here. He doesn’t upcharge for parts or labor and is a genuinely honest repair shop owner (big cheers to guys like these friends!)

Matt took the Durango to his shop today,  and once again,  he and his staff came to the rescue.  I am so thankful that Matt has such a great group of friends here, who have helped us many times. GMTC for the win! 

The irony and relevance to the Texas temperatures is that the actual problem wasn’t the fan clutch I thought it was,  but rather the thermostat had MELTED and fallen into the water pump.  2 words….  Texas,  y’all.

In all seriousness though,  this is a light-hearted rant,  because heat and a physical location that I don’t personally care for are so trivial in the grand scheme of things.  Family, friends, health and happiness are my focus,  and we are overflowing with gratitude for all of those tonight. 

We are celebrating,  rejoicing, and giving thanks.  It has been a rough season,  but with joyful resolutions.  I am so thankful for those who walked, prayed and supported me through this time. I truly have the best family (nuclear and extended), and a handful of dear friends (each of whom I consider the sisters I always wished for).

So although the temperatures may not on-board,  I think I’m going to begin celebrating Thanksgiving a bit early this year. 

One thought on “Send Me Autumn!!!!

  1. With your positive outlook, everyday is Thanksgiving. Love you and your perspective. Also happy to hear your vehicle is operating again….none of us like looking at new cars!


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